
Fish Eye Lens
Fish Eye Lens

 I have a fish eye lens for work and I thought it would be a good idea to try it out on my tank. The fish eye lens give you 180 degree shot. I have used mine in the past to make 360 degree virtual tours. You can see a few on my other site  To make a virtual tour you use software to stitch the two 180 degree images. 


Three different open brain coral along with maize brain. I also have two different Acans that are in poor health due to the fact that my Hippo Tang likes to munch on them. She has since stopped picking on the two acan corals, but it is taking a while for these corals to recover.


My current tank contains a wide variety of Accropora and Montipora.

Soft Corals
Soft Corals

Soft coral has become a bit a problem for me. While they are great to start in the hobby they quickly grow and spread across the tank. I have xenia all over my tank and can't seem to keep them under control.


Hippo Tang
Lawnmower Blenny
Skunk Clown
Sexy Anemone Shrimp
Purple Dottyback
Three Blue Chromis
Leopard Wrasse